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   2 J7:A?>A??>>BC
   1 s the one I recommend people emulate onthe PC. It was a very hard conversion  butwe knew what we  were  about  by  then.  Iregret having had to  sanitise  the  tradegoods for so-called political  correctnessbut apart from that it
   1 s a nice version. Ihaven't   seriously   played   any   otherversions, not even Arc Elite.                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
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   1 m still battling away andfailing miserably in  beating  the  mightyGoro   who   takes   great   pleasure   inannihilating me every  time.  A  wonderfuland  extremely  playable  game   that   isdefinitely a top 5 contender in  the  Hallof Spectrum fighting games. Den and Sly  Isalute you.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
   1 igo Ayo                 Sinclair ZX Spectrum emulator                 in 16/256 colors mode                                                                  Code: Inigo Ayo                     256c graphics:  David Goti                                                                                                         1. - Introduction                        -------------------                                                     The development of this emulator has  madewithout no spirit of profit nor benefit ofany  other  type.  It  can  and  it   mustdistribute in a free way. Use this programat your  own  risk.  We  dont't  take  anyresponsability of any damage this  programmay produce.                                                                        The changes that some games have  sufferedare  with  the  only  intention  to   takeadvantage of the graphical power  the  PCsoffer  us  today.  The  texts  that   makereference  to  the  original  authors   orcompanies never will be modified.      
   1 i$="AN31":
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   1 bit of code which will  stop  the  programdead in its tracks. Using DEVPAC, you justpress the W key. On a  Multiface,  you  dothe same as a stack trace, by writing downthe two bytes at the place you want to puta breakpoint, then replacing them with #18and #FE. If you are using 007 disassemblerand/or STK, you'll need to put a  jump  tothe start of the program (#C3 #00 #40  for007 disassembler; STK varies depending  onwhere you put it).                                                                  So let's start with  something  relativelysimple....                                                                          BLEEPLOAD                                                                           "Bleepload"  first  appeared  on  Firebirdgames around March 1987, and was  used  bythem on every release by them from then onuntil their demise in  1989.  It  emulatesaBBC loading  system  in  that  each  fileloads in a series  of  blocks,  which  arenumbered in hexadecimal. The  hardness  isnot because it
   1 b++++00002222&&&&((++--**++++7777
   1 a del Crimen".                                                                 In any case, we've to do:                                                           * Spectrum 128K emulation.                                                          *  PSG  AY-8910  sound  through  a   SoundBlaster card.                                                                       *  Emulates  different  keys  combinationswith the PC (delete, cursors,...)                                                   * Imrpove .Z80 &  .SNA.  formats.  Do  the128K versions.                                                                      * Create new functions for the debugger.                                            *  Fix  the  bugs  that  appear   in   theemulator.                                                                           * Make a Z80_GFX using True color.                                                                10.- Known Bugs                          -----------------                               
   1 You can  download  a  lot  of  games  fromInternet.                                                                           More information in                                                                       Moreover,  Spec256   v1.2   supports   thefollowing games in 256 colors mode:                                                        JETPAC     Jet Pac (Ultimate)             SABREW     Sabre Wulf (Ultimate)          UNDERW     Underwulde (Ultimate)          KNLORE     Knight Lore (Ultimate)         GAMEOVE1   Game Over 1 (Dinamic)          GAMEOVE2   Game Over 2 (Dinamic)          PHANTIS1   Phantis 1 (Dinamic)            ARMYMOV1   Army Moves 1 (Dinamic)         ARMYMOV2   Army Moves 2 (Dinamic)         PROFANAT   Abu Simbel Profanation         SOLOMONS   Solomon's Key (Probe)          CYBERNOI   Cybernoid (Hewson)                                                                                          If you want to load any of these games youmust download 
   1 This  routine  is   a   decrypter,   whichdecrypts some of the code we  just  loadedin from tape.                                                                       5B24 ED 5B E7 FE LD DE,(#FEE7)            5B26 21 40 5B LD HL,#5B40                 5B2B 1A LD A,(DE)                         5B2C AE XOR (HL)                          5B2D 77 LD (HL),A                         5B2E 1C INC E                             5B2F 2C INC L                             5B30 20 F9 JR NZ,#5B2B                                                              This code decrypts some more  code  loadedin from tape, but it  puts  it  at  #5B40,which is right in the middle of  the  codewe are working on at the moment. So put  abreakpoint at #5B32 (the first instructionafter the decrypter), and  jump  to  #5B00(because we haven't executed  any  of  thecode from #5B00 onwards yet!)                                                       5B32 21 00 00 LD HL,#0000                 5B35 22 B0 5C LD (#5CB0),HL               5B38 2E 02 LD 
   1 PW: Any versions  that  you  were  unhappywith?                                                                               IB: The PC versions seem  to  me  to  lacksparkle. I've not tried the 68000 ones  socan't comment.                                                                      PW: Elite was a truly groundbreaking game,how much of an influence do you  think  ithas had on the gaming industry?                                                     IB: Not much. It opened a genre  but  thatgenre would have been opened anyway  ISTM.Iget quite a  lot  of  email  from  peopleattributing their careers in computing  tohaving played the game  as  children.  Theformative effect games undoubtedly have onchildren  seems  to  me  to   generate   aresponsibility that many game  writers  donot take at all seriously. I question  theethicality of many  current  games.  Elitehad piracy, murder,  and  implied  slaverysure, but it was all  abstract  wireframe,and  you  had  the   genuine   option   ofmaintaining a 
   1 Oh oh! 3 button!                                                                    yeah, high technology :)))                                                          Do these ports  return  the  physical  x-yvalue,  or  do  they   just   return   thedifference since the last read? And do anyinterrupts get generated by it?                                                     interrupts are not generated, you have  tomanually check the ports for  values.  andports return  physical  values,  not  justdifference.                                                                         APPENDIX i                                                                          Non synchronised screen page flipping.                                              well, that is a self-explained  point  ;).New demos use double buffering/high  colorand  high  res  effects.  If  your  screenswapping isnt synchronised it will produceflicker. what else can i say ?  maybe  useof VGA back retrace will help.  (in  progswhich switchin
   1 NOTE- there is no longer        a part zero.
   1 Matthew also wanted  to  leave  Bug  Byte.According to him, there was a small matterof royalties owing.  "I  would  have  beenquite happy to leave Manic Miner with thembut they bent the contract", he says. Alanexplains. "The royalties were to  be  paidfor  the  duplication  of  cassettes,  nottheir sale. The contract was  only  a  fewsentences.   They   were   almost   verbalagreements in those days."                                                          "They ran up a huge debt",  says  Matthew."It was 
   1 FE71 21 00 FC LD HL,#FC00                 FE74 11 01 FC LD DE,#FC01                 FE77 01 FF 01 LD BC,#01FF                 FE7A 36 00 LD (HL),0                      FE7C ED B0 LDIR                           FE7E C3 00 80 JP #8000                                                              This routine wipes out all the memory from#FC00 to #FC01, but  in  actual  fact  youdon't need to do this. Then  it  jumps  to#8000, which is the start of the game. So,we can put a machine code routine to put aPOKE in, and then jump to #8000.  However,we've got to  find  the  POKE  first,  andthere's the  problem  that  we  can't  useBASIC because it is overwritten.                                                    Luckily, there is a short routine you  canuse which will cause a NEW  to  a  certainaddress. Put it into the above program  bytyping in the following:                                                            1 FOR N=65137 TO 65144:INPUT A:POKE       N,A:NEXT N                                              
   1 FC00 01 99 02 LD BC,#0299                 FC03 21 13 FC LD HL,#FC13                 FC06 11 14 FC LD DE,#FC14                                                           This part of the program sets up  all  theinitial values for the decrypters in  someof the registers.                                                                   FC09 1A LD A,(DE)                                                                   We've come  across  brackets  before,  butbriefly what  happens  here  is  that  thecontents of the address with the value  ofthe DE register (which starts of as #FC14)are put into the A register. So now the  Aregister could contain any byte.                                                    FC0A AE XOR (HL)                                                                    We  haven't  seen  XOR  before,  so   I'llexplain what it does. It is  in  technicalterms a Boolean Operation.  You  may  haveseen XOR gates  if  you  studied  (or  arestudying!)   Physics,    Electronics    orComputer Scien
   1 D2 - not used                                                                       D3 - used for output in RS-232C                                                     D4 - extended RAM. set to 1 - connects RAMpage with number 8-15 in C000-FFFF. numberof page is given in gidits D0-D2  of  port7FFD                                                                                D5  -  signal  of  strobe  for   interfacecentronics. to form the strobe has  to  beset to 1.                                                                           D6-D7 - not used. ( yet ? )               with reset all digits of this port are    dropped to 0.                                                                       these two ports ( 7ffd and 1ffd  )  cannotbe accessed thru basic. basic operator OUTwill hang or reset the machine.  only  oneexception - bits d2 and d5 of  1ffd.  restof digits of these ports must be  accessedusing machine code.                                                                 *port  FF  -  
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   1 ;"        LOADING PART ";CNT;"         "
   1 6 3 + 5 * 3 5 * - .                                                                 To see what's going on here,  we'll  writeout a line for each word (or number)  thatFORTH executes, showing what the  contentsof the stack are at each stage  (we  writethe contents of the stack  as  a  list  ofnumbers, with  the  topmost  item  at  theright):                                                                             6  Stack: (empty) --> 6                   3  Stack: 6 --> 6 3                       +  Stack: 6 3 --> 9                       5  Stack: 9 --> 9 5                       *  Stack: 9 5 --> 45                      3  Stack: 45 --> 45 3                     5  Stack: 45 3 --> 45 3 5                 *  Stack: 45 3 --> 45 15                  -  Stack: 45 15 --> 30                    .  Stack: 30 --> (empty)                                                            Experiment with a few more expressions  ofyour   own,   until   you're   happy   youunderstand how  arithmetic  on  the  stackworks.        
   1 5BAA 3A 00 60 LD A,(#6000)                5BAD 32 5C 5B LD (#5B5C),A                5BB0 31 A7 61 LD SP,#61A7                 5BB3 CD 8E 02 CALL #28E                   5BB6 28 1D JR Z,#5BD5                                                               This routine restores the value  of  #5B5Cthat was stored in #6000 right at the verystart. It then sets the  stack  to  #61A7,and calls the ROM keycheck routine. If  nokey is pressed (and there  shouldn't  be),the routine jumps to  5BD5.  In  fact,  itmust  jump  there,  otherwise   it   wouldattempt to load a normal headerless block,and there are none!                                                                 5BD5 C3 BC F5 JP #F5BC                                                              This is what we've all  been  waiting  for-the JP to the game itself. You can simplyput POKEs on the end of #5BD5, and  followthem with a JP #F5BC to load the game. Fornow, though, it might be a  good  idea  toput the NEW routine  up  to  #61A7  there,instead, and J
   1 5B00 CD 00 CD CALL #CD00                  5B03 CD 21 CD CALL #CD21                  5B06 22 10 5B LD (#5B10),HL               5B09 C9 RET                                                                         now  wind  the  tape  back  to  the  firstBleepload block again, RANDOMIZE USR 23296and start the tape. When  the  OK  messagecomes up, type PRINT  PEEK  23312+256*PEEK23313, and you should get 65286  which  isFF06 hex. Disassemble this address.                                                 FF06 C3 21 CD JP #CD21                                                              This goes back and loads another block. Bynow, you might have guessed that the valueof HL will always contain the address of aJP #CD21 instruction - except for the lastblock which will jump  elsewhere.  Now  wecan write a routine which  will  load  anyblock as long as it jumps to #CD21 at  theend. I'm putting  the  routine  at  #CCEC,because it's right  next  to  the  loadingsystem,  and  hence  is  unlikely  to   beoverloaded (al
   1 25,000 at one time. I kept askingfor some of it. Whenever I called in  theyeither fobbed me off or refused to see me.Eventually  we  agreed   to   cancel   theagreement. I had sold  Styx  to  them  butthey only had a licence to  produce  ManicMiner, which I cancelled."                                                          Whatever  the  rights  or  wrongs  of  thebusiness,  and   business   in   Liverpoolcertainly seems unnecessarily complicated,Smith joined up with Alan  Maton  and  hiswife  Soo  to  found  Software   Projects.Liverpool entrepreneur Tommy Barton joinedthem and later  Colin  Stokes  moved  overfrom  Imagine,  following  the   notoriousbugging incident in  which  his  telephonewas tapped.                                                                                                                   Alan  is  anxious  to  dispel  ideas  thatLiverpool is a  sort  of  Silicon  Dallas."It's a very friendly industry. There  areno hard feelings between me and Tony Badonat Bug Byte, for instan
   1 1999 A.Davis & Alch. Research
   1 1                                                To Sir Clive  Sinclair  for  designing  anincredible machine.                                                                 To  Ultimate  for  developing  games  withadvanced technics you couldn't imagine  ina Spectrum and release the best  games  inthe Spectrum history.                                                                                                                      13.-Contributions                        -------------------                                                     If the Spec256 project likes you  and  youare interested in  improve  your  Spectrumfavorite game with  256  colors  graphics,send us an e-mail  (see  Contact  section)and we'll send you the information  neededfor starting the project.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
   1 00000000`00
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   1 - Snapshots format supported:                                                       - Snapshots loading                                                                 - .Z80 format versions  1.45,  2.0  y  3.0(48K games)                                                                         - .SNA format (48k)                                                                 - .GFX extra format for 256 colors games.                                           - Snapshots saving                                                                  - .Z80 version 1.45 (48k)                                                           - .SNA format (48k)                                                                 - .GFX extra format for 256 colors games.                                                        5.- Keys & Menus                        --------------------                                                     F1 - Help                                                                           F2 - 16 colors
   1 &&o&+i+((&
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   1 "Enter Part:";cnt:
   1 "ALCHNEWS29"
   1  LOAD PART 
   1                       DEC  1999        
   1                                           CC80 3E C9 LD A,#C9                       CC82 32 5E CD LD (#CD5E),A                                                          This puts a RET in place of the JP (HL) at#CD5E so we can CALL the loading system.                                            CC85 CD 00 CD CALL #CD00                                                            This loads in the first Bleepload block.                                            CC88 CD 21 CD CALL #CD21                                                            This loads in another Bleepload block.                                              CC8B 23 INC HL                            CC8C 7E LD A,(HL)                         CC8D 2B DEC HL                            CC8E FE 21 CP #21                         CC90 20 02 JR NZ,#CC94                    CC92 18 F4 JR #CC88                                                                 This checks to see if  all  the  Bleeploadblocks have been loaded, and  jumps  aheadif they have, 
   1                                               MAKING THE MOST OF YOUR MICRODRIVE             Part One: An Introduction                                                  With  the  abundance  of  cheap   Spectrumequipment now on the market, now has neverbeen the time to invest  in  a  Microdrivesystem. It's not perfect or 100%  reliableby any means, but is well within the graspof us all, when compared with the Discipleor +D interfaces.                                                                   One of the questions that  a  beginner  tothe use of the Microdrive inevitably  asksis, 'Why use the Microdrive?' The  obviousreasons  are  not  necessarily  the   mostimportant ones. The novice owner will  seemore  clearly  the  advantages  of   usingMicrodrives only after having  spent  sometime using cassettes. We'll  start,  then,by showing why the use of  Microdrives  isso  important  for   the   more   advancedprogrammer and user alike. To start  with,a Microdrive offers much faster operation.              
   1                                               LITTLE DESCRIPTION OF ZXVGS SYSTEM             (c) 1999 BY YAREK ADAMSKI                                                  A man that has only one computer  (meaningthat he doesn't  use  two  different  disksystems) will never see the reason to makea change. I use a SAM Coupe  and  a  TIMEXFDD   and   can   say   with    all    theresponsibility that  before  my  operatingsystem came into being  there  was  0%  ofcompatibility between them.                                                         And when he wants  to  send  something  toother people he finds that any exchange ispossible only at tape level. But  in  thiscase he  can  say  "bye,  bye"  to  memoryextention,   additional   screen    modes,printer, mouse,  etc.  because  there's  astandard for this.                                                                  Usually in games there is menu like this:                                            1. Keyboard                               2. Kempston  
   1                                                  Russian clones of ZX Spectrum                                                In this short article I'm  going  to  tellyou about Spectrums are used  in  ex-USSR.Russia  is  the  country  where   originalSpectrums aren't  used.  All  ZX-fans  useRussian clones of ZX. I'm  going  to  tellabout the most popular ones.                                                        The most popular Speccy with 128Kb of  RAMis a  Pentagon  128.  Demomakers  considerthis  machine  as   the   best   one   fordemomaking. It is not suprising because itis the fastest Speccy. A Z80 isn't  haltedduring accessing memory.  A  Pentagon  hasmore  time  states  per   interrupt   thanstandard Spectrum 128 because it  has  320scanlines per frame  (311  on  a  Spectrum128) and 224 time states per scanline (228on a Spectrum 128).  So,  a  Pentagon  has320*224=71680 (70908 on  a  Spectrum  128)time states per interrupt. On  a  Pentagonvideo controller reads border value  everytime state (on
   1                                                   THE SINCLAIR USERS' FUTURE                       By The Editor                                                                                                  1999 was an awful year,  it  almost  speltthe end of our community as  we  know  it.Before it gets too late, I  want  to  talkabout how I see the future ('What future?'I hear you ask).                                                                    It has been bad. We saw the end  of  8BIT,one of the finest magazines to  grace  ourscene. Martyn Sherwood's attempts to  cashin on their closure with his own eight bitmagazine has not been the success  it  washoped.                                                                              FORMAT did what nobody would  expect  -  adisappearing act. Many  readers  contactedme asking if I  knew  anything  but,  likeeveryone  else,   I   just   assumed   Bobbrenchley was running  behind  in  issues.Mick Harrop tells me that he and a  numberof others are 
   1                                                    OXYCON 1999 DEMO RESULTS:                                                  GFX                                       ------------                              1.  54b  PRIDE        (DIVER)             2.  28b  BEAST        (CVM)               3.  18b  AIRGATE      (HANNAH)            4.  15b  BEACH        (HANNAH)            5.  14b  HELLBOY      (DRON)              6.  11b  DOG          (YERZ/HOOY PRG)     7.  10b  LOBO         (TULEBY)            7.  10b  ED           (MAX)               8.   7b  UFFFO        (DUKE)              9.   4b  DC99 KOMPO   (FACTOR6)           10.  3b  IN THE CITY  (???)               11.  0b  REALITY      (DUKE)              11.  0b  4DOXY!       (JOHNY X)                                                     MSX                                       -----------                               1.  21b  NUINFA      (TDM)                2.  20b  STRANGLED   (JOHNY X)            3.  19b  NAGUAL DNC  (FACTOR6)            4.  17b  NO AG
   1                                                      RUSSIAN SPECTRUM FAQ                             By Chaos                                                          Russia (former USSR) had different but notless interesting speccy  life  than  othercountries (such as England, motherland  ofSpeccy). Because of many reasons, such  ashigh cost  (for  soviets),  difficulty  inrepairs  and  many  many  other  problems,Russia had to create  it's  own  computer.Soviet people went through various  modelsof  home  made  computers   (usually   notcompatible  with  each  other)  when  theyfinally got their BEST (at  a  time)  homemachine - spectrum. some people  had  realspectrums   and   they   had   friends   -electronic engineers... well,  guess  whattheir friends did  ?  that's  right,  theycreated  russian  analogue  of   Spectrum.since then, sinclair  was  the  only  homecomputer for everyone (until  sometime  inlate 80s when people  found  their  secondspeccy - AMiGA ;).                                      
   1                                                       The eZ80 Processor                                                      "The new ZiLOG has shown  real  innovationin design-ing the eZ80.  It  enhances  thevalue of the extensive installed Z80  baseby  providing  a  step-jump  increase   inperformance for  OEMs,  enabling  them  toexpand on their existing Z80 expertise fornew product designs. What's more, the eZ80provides  extensive  new  features   whichmakes  it  a   natural   for   next-decadeInternet appliances."                                                               Will Strauss, President, Forward Concepts                                                                                      Embedded engine for the Internet highway                                           The eZ80  Internet  family  of  processorsleverages the ZiLOG's expertise in digitalsignal  processing   (DSP),   modem,   andhigh-speed   serial   communication    andestablishes a level of unparalleled  8-bitperformance   
   1                                                       Ian Bell interview                     conducted by Paul White.                                                   Ian Bell  co-created  one  of  the  gamingindustry's truly legendary games, one thatstill is as influential today  as  it  wasover a decade ago. It is still regarded asa benchmark for other games to be comparedagainst in the  same  way  that  Doom  andMario 64 are. I  may  be  biased  or  evensuffering from some strange retro  diseasebut I believe Elite is as fresh  today  asit ever was and is still a true classic.                                            PW:   Was   computing    something    thatinterested you before it became a job thatpaid?                                                                               IB: Very much so. I was fascinated by  thelogic of it. I wrote programs as a  hobby.Lots of odd stuff like Boot Hill for on  amonochrome  text  display  with   animatedstick men running round shooting holes  incacti  and  wa
   1                                                        Z88 Hints & Tips                           by Jack Lawrie                                                                        Part Eleven                     Z88 to PCW Locofile - Transfer                                                                                                                                    1. Create intended Locofile file  card  asneeded.                                                                             2. Save Z88 file as plain text.                                                     3. Send to PCW as ASCII file, using C.PORTor CPM transfer, PIP/MAIL                                                           4. PCW.  Create  Locoscript  file  (F1)  &insert text of ASCII file.                                                          5. Edit file. Find  and  exchange  all<--'(hard returns) except those to be used  as`separators' in Locofile.  e.g  References<--' Keywords <--' Notes <--'                           
   1                                                        Z88 Hints & Tips                           by Jack Lawrie                                                                         Part Ten                      Loading a filename into Pipedream                                              Do you ever  want  to  load  a  file  intoPipedream and then find you can't rememberits name? And you know that if you get  itwrong you will have to go to the Filer andmake a check? Well, to avoid this, proceedas follows ,  every  time.  In  Pipedream,press <> and FL. Go to the Filer; put  thecursor over the filename you want to load,then press TAB ESC  []P  and  ENTER  .....that's all!  -  probably  less  keypressesthan the filename alone !                                                                                                             Listing a program on paper.                                                 To print out a listing of a Basic  programproceed as follows -                                    
   1                                                        Z88 Hints & Tips                           by Jack Lawrie                                                                         Part Nine                            Pipedream "fiddles"                                                                                               Isn't it annoying when you are looking fora word like `ring with <>BSE or <>BRP thatyou get many other words  besides  the oneyou're looking for?                                                                 It can be avoided, but there is  a  slightdrawback;  the  search  cannot   be   doneproperly in one attempt  -  more  on  thatlater. You may  have  seen  the  piece  on"special sequences" in the manual at  sometime  but  passed  right  on,  as  I  did,several times.                                                                      As I see it, there are two main  uses  forthese  sequences.  To   cover   the   casementioned   above   and   to   speed    up(considerably)
   1                                                        UK8 CANCELLATION                            Brian Watson                                                         Due to a sudden and substantial change  ofcircumstances,  the  UK8   Convention   (across-format  event  for  8-bit   computerusers) which was to be held in Walsall  inSeptember 1999, has had to be cancelled.                                            Regrettably, it is not possible to arrangefor  the  event  to   be   moved   to   ansatisfactory alternative venue on or aboutthe same date.                                                                      However,   it   is   expected   that    analternative venue will be  found  in  timefor the event to be held early in 2000.                                             All monies which have been  paid  to  dateare   being   refunded.   As   you    willappreciate, this will take some time,  butit is expected that that  side  of  thingswill be complete by the end of July at thelatest.       
   1                                                          The FORTH Way                          by Garry Lancaster                                                      What  exactly  is   FORTH?   Many   casualcomputer users  and  advanced  programmersalike  are  completely  unaware   of   itsexistence, whilst others know of  it  onlyvaguely  as  a  rather   odd   programminglanguage  for  people  who  like   writingthings backwards.                                                                   FORTH is a rather well-kept secret in  thecomputer  industry.  First  designed   forcontrolling radio telescopes,  it  is  nowoften   used   in   so-called   "embedded"applications (such as in washing-machines,video-recorders and the like),  and  formsthe basis for "Open Firmware" (a  standardused  to  connect  modern   computers   tohardware peripherals) and PostScript,  thelanguage  used   by   high-quality   laserprinters the world over.                                                            For computers 
   1                                                          TRADING POST                             **************                                                        Please enclose a SAE with your enquiry  toall services. If purchasing from a privateindividual, make confirmation the  articleis still for sale and try not to send cashunless a premium delivery service is used.                                          If your group isn't listed, please get  intouch and we'll add your details.                                                                    * * * * *                                                          ADVENTURE WORKSHOP                        36 Grasmere Road                          OLDHAM OL2 6SR                            (Adventure software distributor)                                                                                              ALBHAR                                    4 Bethune Close                           Farley Hill                               LUTON LU1 5LX 
   1                                                          Mortal Kombat                        a review by Paul White                                                    Can it be that a version of  the  infamousbeat 'em up  finally  makes  it  onto  thehumble Spectrum? Armed only with a pair ofDoc Martens and a rolled up  copy  of  TheTimes  I  venture  forth  into   territoryusually only  occupied  by  geeky  consoleowners.                                                                                            MORTAL KOMBAT                         By Den and Sly of AVS                                                    From the moment this game is booted up youknow that a lot of hard work has gone intoit. The opening introduction features somemajestic  animations  of  the  programmersheads rotating  360  degrees  followed  bysome splendid  looking  artwork  from  thenot-so  great  film.  Lots  of   characterinformation and some pulsating music  helpcreate a dazzling  build-up  to  the  gameitself.       
   1                                                          JET SET WILLY                       THE MATTHEW SMITH MYSTERY                                                                   By Arsen                          JSW Ultimate Fan Page!!!                                                                                             There is an obscure  cloak  of  conspiracybuilt up around Matthew Smith, the guy whostruck gold  writing  Jet  Set  Willy  andManic Miner and then disappeared without atrace...                                                                                                                      The  people  started  to  rumour  that  hedidn't actually exist,  and  that  MatthewSmith was merely a clever code name for  aTandy computer, on which Miner  Willy  wasborn. Although  proven  false,  the  storystill lingers on as a romantic legend.                                              The  general  feeling,  gained  from   theprevious times that people have  attemptedto look for hi
   1                                                           Spec256v1.2                          (C) 1999 by I
   1                                                           INDEX (1/3)                                                         AN31.1 : Editorial & Contents.                                                      AN31.2 : NEWS.                                                                      AN31.3 : SPECTRUM CLONES. A guide  to  the         most popular Spectrum clones,  by         Russian coder MEGUS.                                                       AN31.4 : EZ80.  News and details about the         new Zilog processor.                                                       AN31.5 : THE FUTURE OF THE SINCLAIR SCENE.         The ed's feelings on the state of         the community and it's future.                                             AN31.6 : UK8  SHOW.   Details  about   the         show's cancellation a few  months         ago.                                                                       AN31.7 : FORTH TUTORIAL.  With  CamelForthAN31.8 : the  best  new  application   and         progr
   1                                                           HOW TO HACK                            By Richard Swann                                                       You might be wondering how  you  can  tellthat the game is compressed.  Well,  thereare two things. Firstly, the JP  from  theloader (6160) is to a very low address  inthe usuable  RAM  (which  only  starts  at5B00). But more noticeable, you  won't  beable to do a forwards trace or a backwardstrace until you run the  decompressor.  Infact, in general, if you think you  shouldbe able to  forwards  trace  or  backwardstrace  a  game  for  infinite  lives,  andhaven't overloaded any important code witha disassembler, but nothing  happens,  itsworth looking at the  start  of  the  codeexecuted and seeing if there's a JP a  bitlater  on  to   a   completely   differentaddress.                                                                            So  now,  perhaps,  we  should   write   acomplete hack for the game.                             
   1                                                             THE ULA                     The heart of all Sinclair machines                                              Of the many advances in electronic  designthat have resulted from the  microcomputerboom, one of the most significant has beenthe development of a type of  chip  calledan Uncommitted Logic Array  (ULA).  Thoughlargely  unrecognised   by   the   generalpublic, this  quiet  revolution  has  beengoing on for some years now, to the  pointwhere it recently became possible to buildvery  sophisticated  computers  and  otherdevices  with  no  more  than  four  majorcomponents: a CPU, some RAM, some ROM  andto tie these all together - a ULA.                                                  So what is a ULA? As the name suggests, itis a large  number  (an  array)  of  logicgates, which are initially uncommitted butcan be modified to carry  out  almost  anyoperation that the designer needs. The ULAcan be considered as a development of  theROM, since the
   1                                                              NEWS                                                             This is one of the poorest issues so  far,I cannot apologise enough, but there is solittle input into the  Spectrum  communityat  present.   Most   contributions   comecourtesy of Dave Fountain at  CRASHED  andour Eastern European friend BOOKOVSKY.                                                                                               DESERT ISLAND DISKS RELEASED                                                 Continuing to go from strength to strengthis  the  third  issue  of   DID.   (Still)expertly designed and produced by  MichaelBruhn, the  latest  issue  reviews  oldiesViz & Switchblade, and new  games  Subscanand Eugene:  Lord  of  th  Bathroom.  Plusthere's  a  review  of  the  SPC  show  inMunchengladbach and the  usual  editorial,POKEs  and  news  sections.  An  excellentread.